1. Operating System (OS): The choices here, basically, the number of Windows ® or Linux ®. Let's explore the main differences between these two options in a future column, but the short version is that Linux is open source and free, while Windows is closed source - and not free. Linux tends to be more reliable and adaptable; Windows tend to provide better support and comfort. Both are known to be safe.
2. Hardware: What kind of equipment on your server? What kind of return they offer? How big is your hard drive? Åre data backup and redundancy built-in functionality? Is RAID protection?

3. Backup options: This is one factor that is often overlooked. Make sure you know what backup options offered by your provider.
4. Bandwidth: How much bandwidth does each month? Can I pay to get more information?
5. Connection: What kinds of connections that have dedicated hosting provider? Is it more or less than that offered by competitors?
6. Network: Is the dedicated server on the network based on a switch or hub? (Switching networks are generally preferred.) How much of the network is being used? Is there room for your online business to grow?
7. Port: Your server will be dedicated in a port or a commitment? Al igual que un servidor dedicado, un puerto dedicado significa que tendrás una mayor seguridad y control sobre su alojamiento.
8. IP addresses: Two IP addresses is often successful, but you may need more. See how much you're paying. (Remember, each SSL requires its own IP address.)
9. Ease of use and technical support: How easy will be the creation of sites in the dedicated server? Can you configure the custom? Is there a good support in the proceedings if you have problems? Call a potential hosting provider's support number before you buy anything, just to test and see how it works.
10. Uptime and reliability. It is important to find out if your hosting provider offers a guarantee of uptime. What is their uptime? What warranty? How will falter if compensated? A company must have reliable uptime of 99.9%.
So Before Choosing A dedicated Server Provider Check Reviews And any offers available
All of these points are considerable while searching for a best hosting provider for your business website.Website Hosting India